Monday, December 6, 2021

The Lost Bay Podcast season 2 big update

Here's an update on Season 2 of The Lost Bay Podcast.

Four episodes have already been released, and many more are on the way.

Paolo Greco - The Book of Gaub

Paolo Greco is the writer and designer behind the RPG press Lost Pages. They have recently successfully finished the Kickstarter campaign for The Book of Gaub, a game neutral spell book, and anthology of horror micro fictions. In this episode we talk about magic, real magic, studying it, understanding it, and how it can help writing better RPG magic, a kid fascinated by the occult, and a lost and beautiful font.

You can listen to the episode here 

Zedeck Siew - A thousand thousand islands

Zedeck Siew is the writer an co-author of the zine series A thousand thousand islands. These TTRPG fantasy game neutral zines are inspired by South Asia.

In these episode we talk about being nerds, South Est Asia, writing as a craft, running a Kickstarter, cockroaches and The reach of the roach god, the first A thousand thousand islands campaign book. Zedeck delivers one of the most interesting talks on the craft of writing, and the ownership of language.

You can listen to this episode wherever you get your podcasts or here 

Or watch it on Youtube with English Subtitles 

Sean McCoy - Mothership

Sean McCoy is the author of the Sci Fi horror RPG Mothership. This highly lethal, cinematic-flavored game, is redesigning, and giving a new youth, to the Sci-Fi horror genre.

In this episode we talk about specific game design choices, building a company, community support, being seven and playing RPGs until 3am, pivoting from a career in filmmaking to RPG design. And foremost, we talk about the new Mothership Boxed Set edition.

If you’re a designer, if you’re venturing into the indie RPG business, if you’re a fan of Sci-Fi and horror, this super open and generous conversation with Sean McCoy is for you.

You can listen to it here

Or on Youtube with English subtitles

New Podcast episode - Seb Pines - Dweling

Seb Pines is the designer of the solo journaling horror RPG Dwelling. The book is amazingly beautiful and playing it literally gave me the chills, both in a scary and in a pleasant way. In this episode we talk about an old spooky haunted house, insomnia, notebooks, mourning, solo RPGs, game design and much more. 

You can listen here

or like the other episodes, in the main podcasting applications

Or on youtube with English subs

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The Lost Bay Podcast season 2 big update

Here's an update on Season 2 of The Lost Bay Podcast. Four episodes have already been released, and many more are on the way. Paolo Grec...