Tuesday, April 13, 2021

HOLY DESERTER Background - Broken Luck Zine WIP #3

The Broken Luck Troika! zine completion is getting closer (you can read about why/how I started working on the zine here, and about the KID GOD background here). ETA should be 20 April 2021.

The zine contains

5 backgrounds: Kid God, Holy Deserter, Sun Helmet, Fake Demigod, Roaming Fortune Teller

22 Arcana Major Tarot cards spells + Arcana Tarot combos spells

3 Broken luck tables:

  • Which immortal did you piss off?
  • Where the Godly Palace is hidden?
  • Using the backgrounds as NPCs

Quick Adventure Sparks (triple D6 Table)

Recap of the 13 custom Advanced Skills

AND 8 amazing perplexingruins illustrations. 

A soundtrack by spookyrusty.

As a preview here is the Holy Deserter background


You’re a Holy. A born killer. The most beloved creature of the Gods, breed to celebrate their rituals and defend their name. Long ago you left the Godly Palace to track a treacherous and impious being. You hunt them for years, across countless spheres, until you forgot what or who you were after. Ashamed of your failure you swore never to set foot back in the Palace. Anyways you totally forgot where it is. You’re a homesick deserter. Other Holies will attack you on sight.


Owning is a sacrilege. You’re a deserter but you still have your dignity. You don’t even wear clothes. That would be a disgusting and shameful gesture.

Advanced skills

2 Oblivion spit - your acidic saliva induces short term memory loss

3 Maul - your crystal claws inflict Axe like damage

3 Colorshift - you can change your color and that of the objects or beings you touch

2 Spring - when you fall bounce with no damage


You can take your incandescent lava eyes out of their sockets.

Your blood made of inframicroscopic blue crystals is flammable.

You are fluent in Godly tongues.

[EDIT] Been trying some layouts. Nothing definitive yet.


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